Blog tasks: The Times - Language and Representations


1.gary Lineker's dispute with the BBC.

2.the daily mirror stands with Gary Lineker however the times goes against Gary Lineker and the BBC.

3.the masthead is the large font title at the top of a newspaper front page containing the newspaper's title.

4.The 'broadsheets' have a higher news content than the 'red tops', cost more to buy and have a lower circulation. The style of writing differs from tabloids with longer sentences and paragraphs, and more articles offering in-depth analysis.

5.The Times generally supports the right wing Conservative Party and is against the more left wing Labour Party. The newspaper will often act as a voice for the establishment (the wealthy and powerful) and will not support anything that threatens major changes to the status quo (how things currently are).


1.The times criticise the BBC bosses by judging about why they haven't removed Gary Lineker.



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