Year 11 Paper 1 assessment: Learner Response

1.)www:your three paragraphs answer to Q2 shows that the potential to reach the higher grades-now we need to hit that level throughout.

ebi:revision:you need to learn and revise the csp,and terminology eg.galaxy and narrative theory.

2.)Athletic body connotes that the subject is in condition and well prepared for the


 No direct address but the subject’s eyes are focused on pushing the heavy tyre

(physical exertion) which connotes determination and power in the face of adversity.

This is reinforced by his facial expression which has his mouth open in a roar which

connotes supremacy and effort.

 Dress code has connotations of strength since the trainers are engaged in the

activity and the clothes are functional and appropriate for task so they connote

success and durability. The make-up shows sweat and dirt which has connotations

of being ready for action and taking part / effort.


The clear function of the narrative: to persuade people of the superior quality and

sophistication of the Galaxy product.

 The structure of the narrative: it follows a linear structure and features versions of

iconic actors from the glamorous era of Hollywood (a CGI Audrey Hepburn and a

lookalike for Gregory Peck) associated with sophistication and desirability.

 Character types can be seen as outdated stereotypes of masculinity and femininity

(‘damsel in distress’ scenario) with Audrey Hepburn cast as the ‘heroine’ character

type (Propp) with the male chauffeur coming to her aid as the ‘Hero’ archetype and

rescuing her. However, another interpretation would see Hepburn as the ‘Hero’ of

the narrative, taking matters into her own hands and forcing the driver of the car into

the ‘Helper/Donor’ position, enabling her to complete her quest.


Serif font for title connotes formality, high class and how well

established the magazine is (Britain’s oldest magazine).

Use of green colour scheme (fresh and new) with white text (style,

class, sophistication)

Recent cultural events referenced in cover lines – ‘See EU later’

references Brexit while ‘Love in the time of Corona’ reflects Covid

pandemic. Suggests that wealthy British people want to know the

latest news and current affairs.


Section of the Marvel website with gallery, story synopsis, character posters and

opportunities to buy or stream the movie.

Social media profiles on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Social media and

YouTube advertising was also heavily used by Marvel to promote the film including

using tweets from audience members on massive billboards.

Marketing Black Widow was a challenge due to the Covid pandemic and it therefore

did not make as much money at the box office as other Marvel films despite this

6.)im gonna revise for the media exam

need to read the questions longer and underline key points 

need to take longer writing and add in key points .

marketing and promotion.


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