
Showing posts from July, 2024

Summer project tasks

1.)The distinctive feature of Innocent Drinks is their dedication to using only natural, nutritious ingredients packed in environmentally friendly materials without the addition of artificial sweeteners or preservatives. Their products are created entirely of fruit and vegetables, and the focus is on their wholesomeness and purity. 2.)The target market for the Innocent Drinks advertisement is those who value natural and sustainable products and who are health-conscious. Although this audience is diverse in terms of demographics, it can be focused on the following: Characteristics: Age range: 18–45 Gender: Every gender Class of Income: Middle Class Location: Suburban and urban regions Education: Completed both high school and college Psychographics: Values: wellbeing, health, and sustainability of the environment Active, health-aware, and socially concerned lifestyle Interests: outdoor activities, fitness, sustainable living, and a good diet Behaviour: Propensity to buy ecological an


1.) WWW-there is clearly some knowledge here:mise-en-scene in q1.1 and social contexts in q2. Now you need to work on revision and exam technique to reach a high level throughout. EBI-handwriting:is it worth applying to write your y11 exams on a computor? revise narrative theory(dont leave questions blank) 2.)Mise-en-scene • CLAMPS: Costume, Lighting, Actor placement/movement, make-up, props, setting. Examples: • Will’s costume – makes him look like he is from our world • The two children they are chasing – costume and make-up to make them look abandoned/homeless. • Setting – empty city. • Actor movement – the chase scene. • Props – the drinks and bread. 3.)• Excellent analysis of the product that is detailed and critically engages with the nuanced aspects of how media language is used. • Focus on how narrative features communicate meanings is thorough and effective. • Consistent appropriate and effective use of subject terminology throughout. 4.)Uses and Gratifications theory (Blumler